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Disconnected Marriage?

Transform Your Marriage... Even if Your Spouse Already Has One Foot Out The Door

Without Therapy, Counseling, or Compromising What's Important To You...

Rebuild the love, trust, and passion, end separation, and stop divorce in its tracks by transforming your marriage...

I'm Chris Parsons, and 7 years ago, my wife kicked me out because our marriage had become so disconnected, resentful, and toxic...

I know how painful and gut-wrenching it can be to feel like you are going to lose everything - the fear, doubt, and stress...

I tried everything to fix it. I read the marriage books, dragged her to marriage counseling, we did individual therapy, and Christian counseling - nothing worked...

In fact, to be honest - it just made things worse...

But now we have a marriage that others ask to know the secret to...

We laugh together, we miss each other every moment we are apart, the occasional argument is quickly & easily handled, we both feel appreciated, and our sex life has never been better (even 14 years & 4 kids later)!

And ever since transforming my own marriage, I've helped thousands of others do it too...

This is a lifeline to those 100% committed to transforming their marriage, because I'm certain that I can help you do the same...

Not only that, but I can ENSURE that you reignite the spark by transforming your marriage...

I've devised a very unique method that guarantees more connection, appreciation, and fun...

There's NO WAY your marriage won't improve.

And here's the kicker - it works FAST!

Your marriage will see massive improvement in just 1 week...

This is not fantasy. It's real, it works, and is the ONLY thing you need...

If you ABSOLUTELY want a thriving marriage , that your spouse wants to stay or come back to, then keep reading:

I’ll show you the exact process I use to guarantee my clients transform their marriage.

Just like these past clients -


Does any of this sound familiar?

- Marriage Counseling might have seemed to help, but nothing was getting better (if you could even get them to go)...

- Your marriage may be toxic with arguments or criticism

- Your spouse is emotionally checked out, shut down, won't open up, said they "love you but aren't in love with you" or that they're "Done!"...

- You've made some changes, but your spouse doesn't trust that they are real or isn't making their own changes...

- There's been an affair or one of you seriously screwed up to break the trust...

- You feel like you're walking on eggshells, and maybe like you've been banging your head against a brick wall, and everything you try just seems to make things worse...

If So, I'm Glad You Found Us Now

Because these are the exact situations that we are experts at fixing, in order to rebuild the love, trust, and passion by giving your marriage a RESET, even if your spouse isn't on board or doesn't want to change...

Your Marriage 3 Months From Now...

You can go...

From feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, and hopeless to ➡️ Confident, resilient, and empowered...

From the love and connection you once cherished seeming like distant memories to ➡️ Having more fun together than ever before...

From arguments, misunderstandings, and emotional distance dominating your relationship to ➡️ Deep bonds, commitment, and connection...

From feeling like you’re losing yourself, constantly questioning your worth and the future to ➡️ A renewed sense of purpose and clarity...

You show up as a confident, loving, understanding, and proactive partner, equipped with the tools and strategies to foster a deep, lasting connection with your spouse.

You are no longer reacting to the circumstances around you. Instead, you are actively creating the relationship you desire.

You'll have family & friends start asking you what the secret is...

The REAL Reason Spouses Shut Down & Withdraw, and Marriages Turn Toxic

When my marriage was crumbling, I felt terrible about myself... like I wasn't good enough, and like a failure...

I was so frustrated and angry...

But the truth is, it wasn't my fault - and it isn't your fault either...

Because a disconnected, toxic marriage happens due to a lot of things totally out of your control...

The stress of kids, work, errands, and life...

The trauma of losing loved ones & jobs...

The hurts and disappointments that happen in every marriage, because we all make mistakes...

And frankly, the simple fact that nobody ever taught us how to use these things to grow closer together...

In fact, all the "mainstream" marriage advice is hot garbage...

Because if it wasn't, the divorce rate wouldn't be over 50%...

Just look at this email we got recently from a previous client -

Reset Your Marriage to be Happy & Healthy

Instead of begging, pleading, arguing, and convincing (which don't work)...

We give your spouse a reason to come back, to stay, to commit, and to work through things with you...

  • You become irresistible to them...

  • Getting them to open up to you...

  • Building deep emotional bonds...

  • Having easy, enjoyable conversations...

  • They value, appreciate, and cherish you...

  • You become their safe place...

  • You are on the same team, together...

So that you can get back to laughing and smiling together again...

Because with a new, stronger foundation - we can build your marriage to a level of joy, connection, and fun that you never even realized was possible...

Here's How it Works

The Happy, Healthy Marriage Reset is a 12 week online coaching program.

We support you every step of the way as we equip you with the knowledge and skills to single-handedly reset your marriage to be happy & healthy with complete clarity on the actions you can take to do so.

Because if you had complete clarity on what you could do to fix it, then you can reset your marriage to be happy & healthy...

Like the Facebook review we got -

We'll Also Show You...

✅ "The Fishing Hook Method" - we use "bait" to immediately get them hooked & being reeled in... so that they are drawn to spending more time with you

✅ The Commitment Accelerator - the exact strategy we use to quickly get your spouse's commitment to working on the marriage together with you

✅ How to quickly rebuild broken trust, to give & get forgiveness

✅ The instant fix to end and avoid arguments

How to tell exactly what makes your spouse feel loved, give it to them, and get it in return

✅ Get them to appreciate you & see the best in you, like they did when you were dating

✅ The "Success Formula" - this secret mindset is what allowed me to figure all of this out for my own marriage, and guarantees results

What if They Aren't On Board?

The first stage of the program is getting your spouse committed to working on things together with you...

Because a marriage is 2 people, and requires both of you...

But someone has to start the change...

Because if you don't, then nothing will get better - you'll keep waiting, wishing, and hoping for things to change...

And the change you want to see in your marriage, starts with you...

That doesn't mean everything is all your fault - it isn't. It just means that you have the power to start the changes...

Because when you take a new approach, you get a new result.

And by the way, we regularly do this, even in cases where:

- Their spouse had kicked them out and refused to talk to them...

- Their spouse was living with their affair partner...

- Their spouse had already filed divorce paperwork...

- They broke the trust, want to be forgiven & work things out...

- Their spouse was a narcissist, or having a midlife crisis...

The list goes on and on...

We've seen it all, dealt with all, and succeeded with it all...

Here's some previous clients talking about their experience -

Like Lizzie...

Lizzie was a 42 year old school teacher, who had just been handed divorce papers when she saw our ad...

It was the second marriage for both of them - they had tried marriage counseling and retreats and individual therapy, but nothing had worked - we were her last hope.

Working together, we identified the root, underlying issue. In this case, it was a string of actions years before that had built up a lot of resentment on both sides.

And then we developed a customized approach to address the resentment, so that they could both heal and start moving forward together. That's exactly what she did!

2 weeks after joining, she described it as "soul altering".

And Mike...

Mike was in his late 30's with 2 young daughters, and had been separated from his wife for 4 months when he found us...

He had hoped that things would get better with some space, but his wife was still refusing to talk to him - should would only text about logistics for the kids.

He was frozen, stuck, and unsure what to do without making things worse, and suspected she was seeing other men. Then he decided to get some help.

We came up with a way to create a connection opportunity - in his case, it was a "Daddy Daughter Date," and then maximize that time to get her wanting more.

9 weeks after joining the program, his wife was asking him to move back in.

And Michelle...

Michelle had been married almost 24 years when her husband moved in with his affair partner and filed for divorce...

2 weeks after joining the program, her husband told her, "If things had been like this all along, I would have never left. I just think it's too late."

But she stuck with the program, and 5 weeks after that, he broke up with his girlfriend, apologized to Michelle, and asked her if he could move back in...

Even if your spouse thinks it's too late, keep implementing the 3 steps, and like Michelle's husband - they will change their mind.

What You Will Experience

✅ Deeper connection, enjoying each other & laughing together again

✅ True Forgiveness, a strong desire to move forward together

✅ Better communication - arguments are rare, and handled easily (without sacrificing your happiness)

✅ Feel heard, valued, and respected

The Next Step

The Happy, Healthy Marriage Reset is exclusive - we only accept 8 clients/month in order to ensure that you get the time and attention that you deserve...

In order to apply, you can schedule a free call by clicking the button below, and we can figure out together whether we would be a good fit for one another...

I'm Chris Parsons, and I Empower Marriage Transformation!

In 2017, my wife said she was "Done!"

Our marriage had gotten so toxic and disconnected that the love was gone. During the pain and loneliness of separation, feeling like I had the weight of the world on me - afraid of losing my family forever, I discovered the reason that so many marriages struggle, and the path to rebuilding the love, trust, and passion.

I've been helping people to transform their marriages ever since.

A Few of the Problems We've Helped Clients Solve in Their Marriage:

  • Toxic, Heated Arguments

  • End Affairs & Rebuild Trust

  • Get Forgiveness to Move Forward

  • Create Connection when they Shut Down or Withdraw

  • Recreate the Spark & Love

  • "Dead Bedroom" (Sexless Marriage)

  • Childhood Trauma, ADHD, Addictions, etc.

  • And more!


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